Benefits of EPiClient CRM

Comprehensive solution which we can offer through our CRM system:

  1. Appointments

    Raw appointment data with provisional appointment dates is received from various sources which can include Call Centres, web site requests or direct telephone enquiries made to the office. This data is held in a separate table until it is qualified by the Call Agent/Sales Manager. This data can be transferred electronically from Call Centres in an appropriate format if required.

  2. Sales Manager Confirms Appointment

    The Sales Manager reviews the appointments, calls the customer to confirm and allocates a Sales Agent to the customer, depending on region. The Sales Agent’s diary is shown to the Sales Manager so a suitable data can be picked. The diary shows working hours and excludes holidays and also shows other appointments. Once the appointment has been made the Sales Agent is notified by email. Details of the appointment will be available on the server for the Agent to download to the local PC.

  3. Sales Agent

    Each Sales Agent has a copy of EPiSolar running on their local laptop computer. They visit the customer’s house with the computer not connected to the server. (This is because internet connectivity can be bad in some areas). While at the property they complete property questionnaires, surveys and take photographs. They also use EPiSolar to draw the house and place the panels on the roof planes. They can give the customer a visualisation of the final installation. If necessary they can print a quotation or even electronically sign a contract if the customer decides to buy.

    When the visit is completed the Sales Agent sends customer and property information, all relevant documents and the CAD design back to the server. Note that this is not just contract documentation but all the data, allowing the head office to make changes or send design data to other employees/agents.

  4. Surveyor/Technical Advisor

    A Surveyor is notified of designs sent from the Sales Agent. These designs, as well as the documents, can be viewed and revised by the Surveyor to produce a final design. If necessary a revised design can be sent to the Sales Agent and a revisit to the customer can be booked. At any point a quotation can be sent to the customer. The system keeps track of design revisions through this process.

  5. Back office processing

    When the data is held on the central server there is opportunity to process orders and installations and manage payments. This can be done though software which ProFactum can provide or data can be interfaced to existing back-office software in your organisation. This is not included in the basic package and can be customised to individual requirements.

  6. Management Reports

    Management reports can be generated from the data held on the server. This is not included in the basic package and can be customised to individual requirements.

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